Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

Painting tools are devices designed for applying paint and varnish products with different viscosities, allowing spraying any paints, except for dispersion and latex ones containing acid, mineral particles, aerosols and moisture-repellent compositions.

Models: RD-PS 400, 500, 80, RD-HG 200.

Perforation tools are power tools designed for making correctly positioned holes and the correct shape in sheet and other material.

Models: RD-D 500, 400, RD-MIX 150, 140, RD-ID 1200, 1000, 850S, 700S, 650S, 600S, 550, RD-RH 1400, 920, 850, 750, 650, 1100, 14 RD-DH 1800, 1300, RD-SD 330, 320, 12N, 10L, 14L, 18L, 14N.

Grinding tools are power tools that allow you to process hard and brittle surfaces using abrasive materials.

Models: RD-SG 40, 30, 25, RD-BS 120, 85, 110, RD-OS 50, 45 RD-PM 130, RD-AG 91, 210, 170, 150, 110, 75, 73, 230.

Cutting tools are power tools with a pendulum stroke designed to increase the productivity of manual labor in straight and curly sawing of wood, plastic, ferrous and non-ferrous metals, building materials, suitable for workshops and small industries.

Models: RD-JS 850, 710, 600, 500, RD-P 150, 90, 71, RD-ER 180, 150, 125.

Price list


All RedVerg products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant RedVerg: generators and woodcutters, starting and charging devices, measuring and mowing equipment, compressors, sinks, tillers and cultivators, welding equipment, snow plows, machine tools, power tools, chainsaws, electric saws
  • Power tools RedVerg
    Power tools
    RD-D, MIX, PS, JS, HG, etc.
  • Machines RedVerg
    RD-MS, GM, MSU, etc.
  • Snow plows RedVerg
    Snow plows
    RD-SB, QE, E, etc.
  • Welding equipment RedVerg
    Welding equipment
    RD-PW, WM, MIG, etc.
  • Vacuum cleaners RedVerg
    Vacuum cleaners
    RD-B, VC, etc.
  • Pumping equipment RedVerg
    Pumping equipment
    RD-SP, SPS, VP, CP, etc.
  • Motor pumps RedVerg
    Motor pumps
    RD-WP, etc.
  • Car washes RedVerg
    Car washes
    RD-4380, 5461C, etc.
  • Cultivators RedVerg
    RD-32650BS, 32640BS, etc.
  • Tillers RedVerg
    Ant, Goliath, Valdai, etc.
  • Small construction machinery RedVerg
    Small construction machinery
    RD-CM, C, RM, SM, EA, Q, etc.
  • Chainsaws RedVerg
    RD-GC, etc.
  • Electric saws RedVerg
    Electric saws
    RD-SS, EC, etc.
  • Gas air heaters RedVerg
    Gas air heaters
    RD-GH, etc.
  • Stairs RedVerg
    Transformers, ladders, etc.
  • Shredders RedVerg
    RD-GS, etc.
  • Lawn mowers RedVerg
    Lawn mowers
    RD-GLM, MLM, ELM, etc.
  • Trimmers RedVerg
    RG-GB, EB, ET, etc.
  • Diesel air heaters RedVerg
    Diesel air heaters
    RD-DHI, DHD, etc.
  • Electric heaters RedVerg
    Electric heaters
    RD-EHR, EHS, etc.
  • Generators RedVerg
    RD-G, IG, RD5GF, etc.
  • Woodcutters RedVerg
    RD-SS, EC, etc.
  • Charging devices RedVerg
    Charging devices
    RD-BC, RD-IC, RD MAX, etc.
  • Measuring equipment RedVerg
    Measuring equipment
    RD-RF, GAL, HYDRO, IN, etc.

About RedVerg

The company RedVerg (USA) was founded in 1967 and specializes in the production of power equipment, small construction mechanization, power tools and gardening equipment used in industry and in everyday life.
  • production

    The assembly and design of the main components and assemblies takes place in the production units.
  • qualification

    A team of professionals consists of a powerful engineering division and automated production.
  • quality

    The plants are equipped with control and testing laboratories for product control and quality.

Information Board RedVerg

Learn more about our products RedVerg.
  • Price list for завода RedVerg equipment
    Price list for RedVerg equipment
  • RedVerg Product Catalog производства RedVerg
    RedVerg Product Catalog
  • Description of бренда RedVerg chainsaws
    Description of RedVerg chainsaws
  • Description of electric saws марки RedVerg
    Description of electric saws RedVerg
  • Description of поставщика RedVerg generators
    Description of RedVerg generators
  • Description of производства RedVerg lawn mowers
    Description of RedVerg lawn mowers


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